Tuesday, June 28, 2011
There's really nothing better on a hot summer day then a cool, refreshing and invigorating fruit smoothie.  The best thing about smoothies is that there's really no wrong way to make one.  I don't know about your area of the country, but we've been hit with some scorching hot days and a cool treat like this is a great alternative for some other unhealthy icy treats.

Here's my favorite recipe for delicious fruit smoothies even the kiddos will love!

1 1/2 cups light vanilla yogurt (or frozen yogurt)
1 cup orange juice
1 cup fresh or frozen fruit of your choice

Blend together all ingredients together to desired smoothness, about 1 - 1.5 minutes.  Serve chilled.

Here's a little tip, if your doing a berry smoothie, strain the smoothie before serving to get out the seeds.  This is a great tip when serving kids.  Enjoy your smoothies and Buon Appetito!


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